Go 1.23 - 1 - 2 - 3 Surprise!
A close look at iterators, a controversy and some hidden surprises
A close look at iterators, a controversy and some hidden surprises
Everyone’s going loopy about Go’s latest language changes. Nobody seems to have noticed an important fix
Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile
Easily track down performance problems with flame graphs.
Why it’s important to use defer for maintainability and in the presence of panics. I also look at some common pitfalls.
The other “directive” that I didn’t cover last week is //go:build. This time I look at how and why you would use build tags and the new syntax.
A look at all of Go’s pragmas (except build tags). How //go:debug directive enhances Go’s backward compatibility. Plus recent changes to the language that af...
It’s important to understand the behaviour of maps, slices, etc
Go 1.21 has just arrived! It has some nice things like PGO, and slices.Sort(), but beware of a pitfall
I hope to contribute something of use to the ever-growing Go community.