Posts by Tag


Go 1.22 Released

9 minute read

Everyone’s going loopy about Go’s latest language changes. Nobody seems to have noticed an important fix

Go 1.21

8 minute read

Go 1.21 has just arrived! It has some nice things like PGO, and slices.Sort(), but beware of a pitfall

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Go 1.21

8 minute read

Go 1.21 has just arrived! It has some nice things like PGO, and slices.Sort(), but beware of a pitfall

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Go 1.21

8 minute read

Go 1.21 has just arrived! It has some nice things like PGO, and slices.Sort(), but beware of a pitfall

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Build Tags

12 minute read

The other “directive” that I didn’t cover last week is //go:build. This time I look at how and why you would use build tags and the new syntax.

Compiler Directives

29 minute read

A look at all of Go’s pragmas (except build tags). How //go:debug directive enhances Go’s backward compatibility. Plus recent changes to the language that af...

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Build Tags

12 minute read

The other “directive” that I didn’t cover last week is //go:build. This time I look at how and why you would use build tags and the new syntax.

Compiler Directives

29 minute read

A look at all of Go’s pragmas (except build tags). How //go:debug directive enhances Go’s backward compatibility. Plus recent changes to the language that af...

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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build tags

Build Tags

12 minute read

The other “directive” that I didn’t cover last week is //go:build. This time I look at how and why you would use build tags and the new syntax.

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9 minute read

Why it’s important to use defer for maintainability and in the presence of panics. I also look at some common pitfalls.

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9 minute read

Why it’s important to use defer for maintainability and in the presence of panics. I also look at some common pitfalls.

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9 minute read

Why it’s important to use defer for maintainability and in the presence of panics. I also look at some common pitfalls.

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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code generation

Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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branch prediction

Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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hot function

Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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Profile Guided optimisation

24 minute read

Learn how PGO improves use of inlining and CPU instruction caches. I show how to get biggest boost for your projects by using the right CPU profile

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execution tracer

Go 1.22 Released

9 minute read

Everyone’s going loopy about Go’s latest language changes. Nobody seems to have noticed an important fix

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